Saturday, November 22, 2008

Isn't this a cool picture?

The Logan County Courthouse is reflected in the chrome bumper of a classic car parked on the square. The new Route 66 signage will have a chrome theme to the new roadside signs.
Of course, I posted a couple of weeks ago that my sister, Nila, was doing freelance work for the Lincoln Daily News. This is really taking off for her and she has done several stories already. I think this is so cool because honestly, writing is her first love (and she is really good at it!). She also takes her own pictures though, which is also a hobby for her. I just thought this was too cool especially when you read the caption and see how it all ties into the article she wrote. I told her I think the neatest thing about writing for the paper is to be out and about and hear people talking and hear, "Well, I read in the paper....." and know that your story was what they were reading!

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