Thursday, November 27, 2008

And By the Way.......


We had a very quiet Thanksgiving at home, Robert went and got Mom and her dog, Mandy and brought them down for dinner (disclaimer: Mom is perfectly capable of driving but Robert seemed to think she would be better not driving at night if she didn't have to). We also had pineapple cheesecake for dessert for Andrew's birthday- he is allergic to eggs so no bake cheesecakes win out over cake when we celebrate his birthday and pineapple is his favorite.

Andrew of course, had to go to work, to get ready for the crowds in the morning. BTW, the Olney store shrinkwrapped their pallets with CLEAR shrinkwrap this year-if you have ever been to a blitz at Walmart, you know it is usually wrapped in black, so this year you get a little extra heads up on where the stuff is going to be. One day last week, I got in the jeep and there was a clipboard of where everything was going to be laid out but I was a good wife and left it alone.

Hope you all had a happy Thanksgiving!

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