Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Normal crazy days

Andrew's going to get on to me for not blogging if I don't post SOMETHING. Seems we have started out this week with a bang.

Robert has been having problems with a place right under his left shoulderblade. Monday, it got the best of him and he called me to come take him to the doctor. A doctor visit (to his girlfriend's mom), and 7 x-rays later, it is confirmed that he is having muscle spasms and is taking a session of prednisone (Yes, Mr. Buettemeyer told him this Sunday night too, but Monday he thought it was worse). True to the rumors about prednisone, my skinny kid who never wants to eat is eating the house down. He will be through the last dose next Monday.

I swear we are getting a new jeep one piece at a time, this week it is new brake line. Two weeks ago, it was a new manifold. I think it would have been cheaper to have bought a brand new one. The guys inform me "what fun would that be??" At least they have a good time replacing all these things. The brake line wasn't so bad ($15.00) the manifold--lets just say it took a chunk out of the budget. I do not want to have to put a line in my budget for "jeep parts" but one more month of this and I may!

My help that was back to work last week is out again, I feel so bad for her, she can't seem to kick this, first she was having severe pain, which ended up linked to a change in medicines, then she had the flu and now she has an UT infection. I MISS her! I am very spoiled when she is around as she has been doing about half the work I used to have to do all by myself, of course, when she is gone, I am back to doing it so as I said--I MISS HER!!

I also mentioned I am heading for Springfield next week. We leave Monday, get back Thursday, 3 day LIHEAP conference. My Palm Pilot is biting the dust so this morning I ordered a new one, I paid extra for overnight delivery but I have this strange feeling I won't get the thing until Monday, it's a lot different than my current one so I probably will have to take a notebook and paper and run up to my room to check email (or go through the pain of checking it on my phone). I'm complaining, and I don't mean to be--enough of that. Everything will be fine. I don't know how I got so dependent on my gadgets but when one goes, I feel like someone has cut off one of my arms.

I start teaching classes again on the 17th, I love teaching these. This one in particular is an Employment Resource class, where I not only teach computers, but resume writing, job search skills and interviewing skills. Andrew volunteers one night and comes up and does interviews, just like he would if they were interviewing at Walmart.

On April 15th, I start taking a class on networking, the post the beginning of the year about the Charleston office and the problems with the modems and the routers have inspired me and the fact my boss said no problem when I asked her to pay for it made it all that much easier. They are internet based and historically with me, that means harder but it's what I have time for so it will be great.

Well, that's the update... Life as normal.....Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Talk about not blogging.... I know, I've been bad! But Im back, and I won't let someone else keep me from blogging again! Plenty of stuff to keep you interested at least for today!