Wednesday, March 11, 2009

My Surreal Life

A friend of mine sent me an email the other day about thanking God for the thorns in life, in part of it, it stated "isn't it funny that when everything is going right in your life, you don't say "Why me, God?" Well, I am at the point.

10 years ago, I was a stay-at-home Mom whose world revolved around my husband and my son. When Robert was in first grade, he would come home and tell me how great his day was, then Andrew would come home and tell me how great his day was, then I would proceed to tell them how many loads of laundry I had done. That was when I knew, I needed to get a life.

Last Thursday, I was sitting in a conference room with these 2 guys from the Illinois Association of Community Action Agencies, the one that always dresses like a million bucks would look at me and say, "If that's okay with you". I was giggling to myself...I find it funny that it mattered if it was okay with me, I even laughed outloud a little one time when he said it.

Yesterday, the Governor was standing within 5 feet of me, and I was where I was supposed to be and deeply excited about what he was doing there.

This morning, I get a message on my cellphone from one of our field offices, "PLEASE CALL ME!!" I told my boss, "there is exclamation points, I think she means NOW!"

When I started back to working outside the home, I told Andrew, my main goal was to do something that could make a difference in more lives than just mine. Today, I am totally over-the-top emotional about the fact that I get to do just that--Why me God? and while I am at it, THANK YOU Lord for letting me have this job!

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