Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy 2009!!!

This is the day I have been headed for lately. Although nothing singularly bad happened to us in 2008, it seems there are lots of things I want to put behind us.

Thanks Keckie for the terrific party last night, Andrew normally has to work (as he did last night) and I normally sit at home, it was nice to be with friends.

Every year since we have been married, we had "family meetings"- a big one at New Years and then once a month. Last year, my guys turned their noses up at it so we didn't. I pursueded them this year to go back to planning our lives a little better. We, as a family, didn't accomplish much last year. I feel much better knowing we all have a plan and we are all on the same page and look forward to a more fruitful year. I know the whole idea sounds funny, but I am an organizational freak and if I can plan, it just makes me feel so much better. So, we have specific goals for January and I have no doubt but what they will all get done--I think they know this too. I am ahead of the game, one of my goals for January was to crochet Robert an orange and blue scarf. Would you believe, Robert WORE the scarf to the party last night!?! I wanted to get back to crocheting, it's something I used to love to do, along with sewing, which I haven't done forever but am getting ready to start.

I don't believe I have ever been this excited about a new year, I hope your 2009 is great! Happy new Year!!! (and I'm still enjoying my vacation!!! so far....)

1 comment:

Sarah D said...

Where is the pic of your son wearing the scarf???

You need to share;)