Sunday, September 28, 2008

Look who came to practice!!

We were all practicing away and who walked in the door but Miss D!!!!

It sure was great to see her and amazing to me that she can still make that trombone sing!


Sarah D said...

Can't wait until Friday to see the alumni band!!

Sarah D said...

Mindy, I gotta know.

Any chance the alumni band will make an appearance at the Powder Puff game on Thursday night? If so, Survivior will have to wait!!

Please let your readers know.


Browningblog said...

Sarah, it is still up in the air, we are planning on it but I don't know how many will show up. Plus, our Tuba player, Ray Reynold's FIL past away so I know he won't be there. We may have to try to find R Matson.
I want to say yes but can't tell you for sure....