Friday, September 26, 2008

Jasper County Teachers, WOW!

I have to tell you, I continue to be amazed at our teachers here in Japser County. Most of you know Robert was diagnosed in 5th grade with visual perception problems (aka dyslexia). That was when we were in Olney. I personally felt like the help he got there was slim and none. He basically missed 5th grade and most of 6th grade.

When we moved to Newton, Lori Kocher was his resource teacher. In three months at the end of Robert's 6th grade year, Robert made more progress than he had forever at Olney. Then, when we came to the high school, Anthea Zumbahlen had him. She too, just always went above and beyond what I ever expected and didn't mind e-mailing me daily if needed, to let me know what was going on.

This year, he has Jeanette Hickox, and once again, I am very excited. Robert always carries a full schedule and with band and chorus both, it would be so easy for these teachers to just say forget it, but they don't.

When I got the mail this evening, there was a card from Mrs. Hickox, just letting us know that though they are limited on time she enjoys working with Robert and appreciates his willingness too. This is not the first letter we have received, last year, we would receive things from his different teachers, praising Robert. This is probably just one more reason why I feel that Jasper County is the best place on earth.

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