Sunday, October 19, 2008

What a week!

I'm feeling rather guilty that so much has happened this week and I haven't had time to blog it. I have probably even forgot some things but I will hit the highlights. Hopefully later on this afternoon, after a good long nap, I will try to post the pictures that goes with all these things.

Thursday morning, I got to attend the Student of the Month breakfast. It was wonderful. There were 27 students nominated for October and it is just so great to see a bunch of great, responsable teenagers.Especially in a world where we hear a lot more about the bad things kids do than the good. Something else that was just neat to see was Jason Fulton, all grown up. I know he has been there for a while but I remember when he was mine and his brothers' little tag along.

Saturday was our band classic and the Effingham Band Classic. What a day! I have to tell you, I have never been so nervous about anything in my life as I have been and still am about the Band Classic. My job was to put the totals in the computer and tabulate the winners. When all was said and done, there has a half a point between 1st and 2nd. I had to do everything so quickly that I am probably going to have this on my mind until Tuesday or Wednesday when I haven't heard from Deb that someone complained (actually someone challenged it before they even left, but we reviewed it and on that I was correct). The coolest thing was I won the quilt raffle. How neat is that?? Deb made the quilt, which is neat to me in a different reason. Deb and I have a connection outside of band. Ron and Deb first came to Jasper county because we hired Ron as our preacher. Amanda was one of the judges, that one is another one that is hard to imagine all grown up. Anyway, the quilt is BEAUTIFUL, it is green and purple, of course several of my friends have told me they have rooms already decorated that color. I don't right at the moment but I am thinking real strongly about redoing our guest room just to go with the quilt. I haven't ever done anything to the guest room so it wouldn't be totally out of the question. When Vaneta went to get the raffle winner, she came back upstairs and handed it to Geron, Geron said "you're kidding" and I asked who one, Vaneta just held her hand up like wait a minute and then Geron announced it, I screamed, so of course, everybody probably heard that over the mic.

Effingham's competition was AWESOME. The kids got 2nd but it was to the roughest competition to date, and to all my all high school buddys who read this...WE BEAT MONTICELLO!!! They got third. We beat Robinson too, who had placed 2nd at our competition yesterday. The auxillary got 1st, the winds got 2nd, percussion got 2nd and then overall we were second to Murphysboro.

By the way, another note to my high school friends, do you remember "Mmm Roast Beef, Chicken Pot Pie"? Tom and I tried to get our little group started on it, unfortunately all that happened was our spouses slid away from us. Oh well....

As I said, I will TRY to get pics up this afternoon.

Happy Sunday!

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