Sunday, October 26, 2008

Another Marching Season in the Books

The Newton Marching Eagles ended out their season bringing home several trophies last night from the Marching Illini Festitval. In Parade, they won 1st for auxilary, 2nd for percussion and 3rd for drum major. In the field competition, they won 1st in auxilary, 3rd for drum major and 3rd overall. (Congrats to the drum majors!, I feel they had been overlooked all season and they finally got some recognition!) Their class had 7 of the best bands I had ever seen, it was the first time all year, I couldn't really tell what was going to happen, or even be able to make a prediction.

The parade was just as awesome, we met up with Bruce Balding, who, of course, has been in charge of the auxillary for years. His theory was if we had not been the first to perform in our class, we would have gotten 2nd only to Eureka, but because we performed 1st, we would get 3rd. He has been around long enough, he nailed it.

We also want to thank Bruce for the ride back to the stadium after the parade and for sharing his seat with us during the parade!

The kids didn't bring home any first place trophys for the band this year, and I really felt bad for them but then I remembered all the ones who were there and didn't bring home ANY trophys. These kids are winners, every one of them. I think many of them will tell you that this was probably their best band year yet because they had fun.

I still look back on every band competition with a lot of fond memories. It was fun to win but it was even more fun to feel like you BELONGED, and I believe these kids know, they belong. Good Job kids, thanks for all your hard work! You are all wonderful!!
It was also great to have my sister, Nila and my brother-in-law Richard there for the field show, glad you got to come!


Blair Bunch said...

I am glad they had a great season! They are a joy to watch!

Sarah D said...

Great pics and congrats to Robert and the rest of the band on a great season.

Thanks for the info about the thermostat settings. Do you have any brochures or a website I could show to my husband? I am not kidding, you are the expert--perhaps he would listen to you!

Browningblog said...

As a matter of fact, I do:

Look under "No cost ways to save energy and money", it is the first thing on their list. This website is great, it has a wealth of useable information. There is even a place on there where you can do your own home energy audit. If saving the money doesn't appease him, remind him that you are saving energy, or "going green"!
Good luck!