Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Back to the Grind

I have had people asking...I am a million, or maybe a trillion times better than I was last week at this time. I am still sore right in my right kidney but it isn't pain, just sore like when your neck is just a little stiff and you don't feel it until you turn your head too far? That kind of sore. Anyway, made it through that ordeal.

Life is back to just the normal crazy around here. Last night was my second class, I have a good group of students who actually know more than my normal classes. We went over internet and email basics last night. It was pretty well a breeze. Next week we start on Microsoft Office, then the fun will begin.

Robert is down for the count with the musical. BTW, I have tickets if anyone is interested, I am out of Thursday tickets at the moment but it is early so I am sure I could get more. They are $7.00 a piece, the times and dates are April 16th, 17th &18th @7:30 and April 19th @2:00. I got to see the very, very, end of the show last night, I was impressed.

I was also impressed by Roma, I had forgotten how much I loved her style of teaching, of course, she is just one more of those people who feeds my child's already over-inflated ego, but she still does a wonderful job of making everyone of those kids feel like they can do anything they set their minds too. It's easy to tell they love her too, otherwise, they wouldn't be spending 3 school nights a week and Saturday every week to make this happen. Just one more reason music and sports are important to a child's education, there are just so many things, like learning to work as a team and that sometimes, what you want takes a lot of sweat, that you just don't read in a book.

Andrew worked last night, until 1, I was exhausted (I've been told it's the antibiotics), so I didn't even get back up when he got home, consequently, I haven't seen him awake since Monday. I hate times like that, it's nothing compaired to when I am out of town though.

My friend Tom Matson had neck and back surgery yesterday, keep him in your prayers please, Nick said last night he was doing as well as could be expected for just having surgery.

One of the clerk's positions that was advertised on our website was actually someone to help me out, we had over 65 applicants, I have three picked out that I really like, one that I really, really like. The interviews are going to be the 14th and 15th, I am looking REALLY forward to that. I also start my modem and router class on the 15th.

I think I should have used Tracie and Sarah's bullets. This seems to be a hodgepodge of information.

My father-in-law left Arizona on Sunday, he is in Texas for a few weeks then heading toward the East, we are planning on seeing him here by June, he enjoyed the Jasper County fair last year, we are hoping he is here for that this year. I hadn't mentioned it because it was still really new, but he had planned on getting married and now he isn't. I feel really bad for him but am glad that if things weren't going to work out, it was found out before they got married. I am hoping (and yes, I know you will read this Bob) that he plans on staying around here for quite a while this summer. Robert and Andrew would have a ball with him here, they always do.

Okay, that's it, oh no, that's not it, count down to a "mini-vacation", 24 days. We are leaving on the 24th and going to Andrew's grandmother's in Brookfield Mo. She is 81, but very spry for her age. We are hoping to drive to Kansas City on Saturday and go to the Hallmark Visitor's Center and Crown Center, I know, I can come up with some obscure things to do, but it something I have wanted to see for a long time.

Our church choir is doing a Cantata for Good Friday, it is at 7:00 at Hidalgo Independent Christian Church, of course, you are all invited. There is a DVD that accompanies the choir, it is pretty cool. That's another reason I will be ready for vacation, we will have the cantata finished, then the next week get the musical finished, then we get some time away--YEAH!!!

Okay, now I have GOT to get ready for work so I guess I will quit rambling

Oh, Happy April Fool's Day!! (And happy anniversary to Norm and Kathy Houmes--funny the things you remember, huh??)


Ashley said...

Im glad that you are feeling better!

Anonymous said...

You are a very busy woman.

I think we need to figure out a way to send our bodies memo's to remind them just how busy we are...and we don't have time to be sick!

Glad you are feeling better.

Blair Bunch said...

Would you let us know if you get anymore Thursday tickets. That is the weekend I work. I'd really like to take the kids. Glad you are feeling better and that class is great!! -M

Browningblog said...

Melissa-I will see what I can do, I will know by Sunday.