Thursday, April 16, 2009

It's "Thoroughly" time for the musical!!

Tonight is the night we have all been waiting for since--well, since the last proformance of Grease last March.

I know Robert is nervous, but very excited too. I am nervous for him, for all of them. Everytime I see a bunch of teenagers work hard to accomplish something, it almost makes me want to cry (I bawl through the Rose Bowl Parade every year!) I remember how long some nights got, and how you go home and wonder if it's worth it to be that exhausted. The answer was always, as it is with Robert, a resounding YES!

I am so incredably proud of my kid and his friends. I felt like I had a lot of friends in high school but I (and I know I have said this before) don't believe we were as tight as these kids are.

I believe tonight's show is sold out, the other performances are tomorrow and Saturday, 7:30 and Sunday at 2:00 p.m. I believe tickets are still available if you call the high school.

And to the cast and crew: Break a Leg!

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