Sunday, April 19, 2009

A few pictures from the musical...

Well, it's over for another year, it was just as good today as ever but you could feel the sense of finality to all of it. For one thing, Josh Welling has been like Robert's big brother for ever and it was his final high school musical--notice I said high school; Josh is planning on studying theater arts. Everybody believes he is going to be a star--in my book, he already is.

Every year, on the day of dress rehearsal, a lady comes in and takes TONS of pictures, it's great, they are up closer than we can get in the seats and you don't have to worry about heads in the way. I had decided just to wait on these. Then, Nila, who didn't get to come this year, asked this morning about pictures. So, I didn't take tons, but I did take a few. Of course, they are mainly of the kid, but what can I say?

This is Robert with Kerstine, his dance partner. (Sis, she played Rizzo last year)

Muzzy's "boys"

Dancing with Kerstine

This is where he actual played his part "Kenneth, the butler". He was nervous about the martini glasses and today was the closest there came to being a problem, someone bumped him as he was getting to his spot for the scene. You heard the glasses jingle against each other. I was afraid it would throw off his composure, but he did great!

This was during "Speed Test", I would have liked to have had a formal picture of Robert and Kerstine in their matching outfits, but this was as close as it was going to get.
Everybody else is still as school, tearing down sets, I had every intention of going until it dawned on me today that I am not supposed to be doing that kind of stuff yet, so Andrew and Robert are there and here I sit, I did at least take tickets today so I feel I did a little something to earn my keep.
Great, great job kids! You are awesome! Every last one of you! And now we get to start looking forward to next year, let the speculation on next year's musical begin!!!


Nila Smith said...

Thanks Min!
Broke my heart that we didn't get to come this year, but it was out of our hands. Hopefylly next year things will work out.
Looking forward to seeing the other pictures when you get htem.

Sarah D said...


The musical was just amazing! I LOVED it! Cannot say enough good about it.

As I had told you, I had not idea what to expect and maybe that was a good thing because it was such a good surprise!

Robert did so well, and he looked VERY handsome.

Can't wait for next year!


Browningblog said...

Thank you Sarah! We can't either! I never got tired of watching it, in fact, yesterday went entirely too fast!