Saturday, June 2, 2012

He is still taking care of us

Andrew got a job!  Hallelujah, What a Savior!  We knew God would take care of us and He has once again, shown us that faith can move mountains.

Andrew goes to Bloomington Tuesday for orientation and to get his security license. Wednesday, he is supposed to be at the Ameren power plant outside of town to start his job as a security guard. (Okay, is it just a little weird that I have read the senate bill that caused the improvement at the power plant and all the commotion out there that I assume they are beefing up security for?)

It's a 40 hour a week job, with the possibility of overtime but for the most part, a 40 hour a week job. He has never had one of those. While he was off, he looked into going back and finishing college, he only has 3 semester left to get his bachelor's, so I think he will start to pursue that almost immediately, if nothing else just to have it but he also thinks as time permits, he might like to do something like substitute teach.

I had gotten very used to having a "house husband" as he has done 90% of the housework even back since he was off for his surgery. He told me yesterday evening that since we were going to be working more even hours, he could probably continue to help out. And you have to ask why I love this guy? Well, no, most of you don't, you know I do and a select few even make fun of me for it :-).

Anyway, life is good, God is better and I feel like the most blessed person on the planet.

I also had a big milestone this morning as I got to get back on the treadmill after 17 days away. I just ran 8 minutes but it was a great 8 accomplishment-filled minutes. Not only does it mean I didn't lose everything I had worked for the 5 week before my flare, it meant I still have the desire to do it. I am still loving that feeling. And, while on the flare, I have had to hit high doses of prednisone again AND HAVEN'T GAINED WEIGHT, which tells me it boosted my metabolism too.

My flare isn't completely over but it is enough better to say I am feeling good again. One of my best friend's from high school has Crohn's, the sister to my problem, I hate it when I know she knows what I am going through. I have to tell you, the fear of not being able to control your bowels has to be one of the biggest ones I have ever faced.

God took care of me there this week too. Yesterday, we had a huge fieldworker meeting at work. I knew I was going to be doing at least 2 hours in front of everyone. As I went over everything on Thursday, practicing using the smartboard and my notes, I had to stop to go to the bathroom three times. I prayed hard that I wouldn't have that happen on Friday. I made it through the entire training without needing to go. Once again, answered prayer.

So, about work. Monday we start our PIPP recertifications, it is probably the hardest thing we have ever asked the field to do and I was really afraid of how they were going to accept it. I believe it is going to be fine. They seemed to grasp the training and I know they know most of their clients well enough to have a sixth sense about what needs to happen.

Next Sunday morning, right after church, Sharon, Brenda and I leave for the National Energy an Utility Affordability Conference in New Orleans. I can't wait. I know I have said it before, I love this conference, I may have also referred to it as the National Energy Assistance Director's conference, it is both really.

June 2012 may just turn out to be one of the best month's of my life, Andrew's job, this conference, and the last week of June, our LIHEAP conference. I have been asked to be a panelist at one of the workshops, what an honor! We will also be handing out the STARS-PIPP user manual, which I helped write along with 3 people from two other agencies and our PIPP liason in Springfield. I am very proud of what the draft looks like so far and am hoping it helps many people down the road grasp how to get through the computer program.

In the meantime, inspired by another blogger, I am going to spend next week writing my own personal "Summer Bucket List". I know there are several things I want to do and see this summer so I think I will just put them in list form. I make lists for everything else, so I might as well!

I have to mention, we ran uptown to the Strawberryfest for a bit today. I was visiting my friend Sarah's booth (and buying jewelry of course) when a lady asked if we were the Browning's? I answered yes and she said I didn' know her but she reads my blog.......I know her now, (hi Jane!). I had decided I was probably writing my blog anymore for myself. Some of the fieldworkers yesterday though told me they had lost the link to it, so I guess you all are still out there.......feel free to comment once in awhile so I don't feel all alone!. I was afraid after Robert graduated, life would be less exciting, guess God proved me wrong there!

Jane said her favorite thing was how much I loved my job :-). I DO love my job, that is for sure.

Happy Saturday everyone!

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