Saturday, June 9, 2012


I hope I continue to think of highly of this security company as I do right now. Of course, the last post I stated he was back looking for a job. Thursday evening, they called and asked if he would be interested in a full time position at Menard's, as security for the yard. Well, yes, I think he would. The coordinator had just gotten the opening and called him. So, she told him she would check into it more and give him a call. Yesterday she called and told him to be at work at 9 Monday morning. Now, on top of all that, she told him that if the positions at the power plant open back up, he is more than welcome to transfer. I am so happy with how they are taking care of him.

So, I had just went into the budget yesterday morning and pulled all his estimated paychecks out, today I get to go in and put them back in......still looking good.

And, the profit sharing---almost embarrassing how much money we have made off of Walmart since he left. Stock went up $2.35 yesterday. I'm not disclosing the number of shares we have, but 27 years of profit sharing, two stock splits in there........Yep, once again, God is taking VERY good care of us.
I always said we wouldn't have money until we were old or dead.......I'm okay with being old :-)

And since he has gotten all the benefits of retirement, I think we are quite simply going to say he retired, yes, it was forced, but it happens all the time, so that's that, we got our retirement, our profit sharing and even our little Long Term Associate Discount Card so we still get our 10% off and 20% at the vision center and the special things like even 10% off all groceries in December (normally we don't get a discount on groceries except for fresh items-fruits and veggies).

So, onward and upward.

It's Saturday and my Bucket list is calling. Kelly is coming in at 9 and the four of us are going to tackle my garage. As soon as we get that done, we are hitting the basement. Kelly and I are going to sort all my craft supplies, Andrew is going to work in his workshop and Robert is going to work on the exercise area.

Then, later today comes the packing. New Orleans tomorrow and I am bound and determined to simplify and still look great. I have a plan---I always do, don't I?

Funny things that happened at work this week. Wednesday evening, I was working late. I normally work late on Wednesday evenings during AWANA because it is just easier than driving to Newton and then back to Hidalgo. One of my good friends at Ameren, Anthony, knows this but AWANA has been over since April, it was just a fluke I worked late about every night this week.  So, at 10 til 5 Wednesday evening the phone rang. I went ahead and answered and from the other end of the phone was a shout, "Hallelujah, Praise the Lord, Mindy is still at work!" It was funny, he needed help and knew I could do it. He made my day though..

Then, yesterday, I am talking to one of the other coordinators from another agency. She says, "By the way, I suggested you to be a grants manager." I about fell over, very honored by her faith in me but uh, no.

First of all, I would have to drive to Springfield everyday, I used to drive from Altamont to Decatur everyday, been there done that, it gets old. And second, I have more power to change the world from the position I am in now than from a Grants Manager's spot. I cannot fathom leaving ERBA either.

But it did make me feel good.

So, happy Saturday everyone!  Have a GREAT weekend!

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