Saturday, July 4, 2009

On to July...

This week has not been without its events. Wednesday, our executive director celebrated her 40th anniversary with the agency. She is great and I continue to be amazed at how she balances everything she has going on.

We held her a surprise party at Richard's Farm. We honestly did pull it off, something highly unlikely when there are as many of us as there is.

On Thursday, I had to make a trip to Olney to work on a couple computers. Robert decided to ride along with me and went to see some of his friends from the Olney days. He hadn't seen any of them since 6th grade-neither had I. needless to say, they have all changed a lot.

For those readers who also work with AWANA, the first four boys were all regulars: Josh H, Robert, Cole P, Jake H, and Hyatt B. Yes, Jake and Josh both have goatees--where did the time go? Oh, and Hyatt..when we left Olney had hair to his shoulders, so he was a real shocker to me. These boys, er, I guess I should say "guys" are still great and I am glad Robert still gets to see them.

Believe it or not, I think this makes me officially "caught up" with my blogging. I will try to keep at it this time!

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