Saturday, July 4, 2009

June in Pictures, Part 2

On June 16th, Andrew's Dad and Grandma arrived. We had a great time with everyone. Here is a four-generation picture-Andrew's Grandma Virginia, Robert, Andrew's dad, Bob and Andrew.
Here is Robert with his Great-Grandma Virginia, Nana and Grandpa Bob.
I wish I would have had a copy of the picture we took at Lincoln Museum. Bob made the statement when seeing the Lincoln family that you could have your picture taken with, that he wanted his picture taken. Andrew, without missing a beat said "You should, you voted for him"--It was the funniest thing said all week--can't believe it rolled off his tongue that easy.

Here are a couple of pictures of the Wind Farm, thank again to Sis and Richard for taking us on the tour!

My kid has the same bug his Aunt Sis has. He is honestly (in MY opinion) pretty good at it. He took this in B&W, thought it was cool.

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