Sunday, December 7, 2008

Our Anniversary

Thank you everybody for the anniversary wishes. Our Saturday plans weren't as dull as I had originally thought. My sister got a new computer and need it programed and all of her old files taken off, so on Thursday, I found out we were going to get to make a trip to Lincoln. I was thrilled because I wanted to do something that day but wasn't finding a good reason--this was a good reason. Robert went shopping with Tika, her mom & sister and a friend of her sisters so they were going to be gone all day. We left as soon as Andrew got home from work, and of course, ran next door and had Hardee's biscuits, this year's version--Strawberry, they were good and a good start to our day. We made it to Sis' around noon, she served us a great lunch and then I worked on her computer, Andrew got a nap in while I was doing that, we left her house at a little after 7 and stopped at Hometown Buffet for dinner (we are going to Evansville next weekend and there is a Greek Restaurant there that we will officially call our "Anniversary meal because of the price). We made it home about 10:30, we had a great time just being together, we stayed up and waited on Robert who finally made it in about 11:30. All in all, it was just a really nice day.

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