Thursday, August 8, 2013

The Answer Jar

So, most of you know that my birthday is next week. It looks like I am actually going to get to be on vacation for my birthday. Today, midst the flurry of trying to get everything caught up so I can take said vacation, Cathy, the Outreach Worker for the Cumberland office, walks in and plops a birthday present on my desk--telling me it is from her and Vonnie, the Assistant Outreach Worker and I have to open it while she is there. She made me a very pretty necklace, got me some scrapbooking supplies as well as a pack of sugar free gum (she can find the neatest flavors--this one was dreamsicle). The there was a jar......

An Answer Jar....

Cute, but not nearly as cute as what was in it......

The Answers......

 Cathy and Vonnie had went through their emails from me and picked out some of my most used and/or their favorite answers. It was hilarious and I giggled about it all afternoon.

Some of the favorites were--Yes, is down again.
                                              Look in the manual
                                               just do it!
                                              If a monitor saw that...
                                              I don't want to hear that
                                              Pray about it.
                                              play nice, ladies!
 and of course, the one that I use when they have brought out the mom in me....
                                             Because I said so!!

there are over 40 of them, and it truly just made my day.

Just had to share, somebody else should do this, it's too cute not to share.


Preemie mom said...

I think Cathy has an eagle eye, she finds the neatest things for gifts. That was a perfect gift for you.

Happy Early Birthday to you.


Browningblog said...

Thank you! Yes, she does. I believe this one will be hard to beat though!