Saturday, August 31, 2013

a final look at the bucket list

Monday marks Labor Day and the unofficial end of summer. So, as I was looking at the bucket list and realizing we did well, I thought I would share. Here goes...
1) Sign up and walk a 5K--actually did this June 1, in less than 55 minutes--I was really reaching for an hour. Now, all the house related stuff:
2) Siding the house-- contractor was here Friday night, scheduled to start in 2-3 weeks!!
 3) Roof the house--contractor was here Friday night, scheduled to start in 2-3 weeks!!
Started 8/29!
4) Get a new furnace and A/C Done!!
5) New gravel in the driveway--gonna call this week and see if we can get this done.  Done!
6) Gut Robert's room and paint--we need rid of the airplanes. This I am putting off, see below  

Then the "Me" stuff

7) Hit the 65 lb mark on my weight loss journey -- I am a little over 55, still think I can hit 65 by Monday the 23rd, which would be the first meeting in the fall.
  8) Start over with the couch to 5K and do it faithfully I am starting week 5 Monday morning!
9) Get a pedicure so Robert bought me a wonderful LED manicure system for my birthday, so I'm not spending the money on the salon but I have beautiful nails!!
10) get a manicure ditto from above!
11) Plan a month of workouts and stick to it (July) still haven't done this, but I don't go three days without exercising. I am gonna schedule September because I am ready to do some toning exercises.

  The the family stuff
  12) Get away for a day-we have had some good family times this summer
13) Get away for the weekend--hopefully this can include Robert but we will see. Done
14) Help Robert on his house--Oh it's started, and more than we imagined, but it will be wonderful when its done!
15) Help Andrew with his next project (my mom's back porch) DONE!!
  16) Help Andrew with his next, next project ( a headboard for our bed--yep, still on the list)yeah, with all the stuff going on at Robert's, this IS off the table again for now.

   Then, last, just the stuff I want, or NEED to get going on.
  17) Redo the basement--it's a wreck!! especially since we had a flood a few weeks ago. Laundry room looks better for now, the rest still needs some work. The guys are working a lot of evenings at the farm, I need to be doing the same downstairs.
  18) set up my craft area--I haven't scrapbooked faithfully IN TWO YEARS!! This too
 19) Finish the laundry room--for now anywayDone!
20) Make a new reading list--although that is the one thing I haven't fell short on :-) --Yeah, who was I kidding that I needed to put this on a list to get it done, I've probably read more books than ever this summer. I am in the middle of a series but I have an author friend who was a new book coming out here in the next few days so I will probably stop with the series and read it.

I made the mistake a few years ago of doing a fall one, I always go into survival mode in September anyway because work gets crazy. This year it will be crazier than normal because we start LIHEAP Tuesday, Thursday I speak at head start, Friday I start networking all the Head Start centers into their new printers, the following Tuesday and Wednesday, I hope to finish that project--20 centers in three days. Should be fun. On Thursday the 12th, Andrew and I fly to Oklahoma (via Atlanta) for his class reunion. We return on Sunday night and I have to be at work at 7 on the 16th to get what was supposed to be done on Friday done. I have three parent meetings to speak at in September as well and then AWANA starts the 11th.  Andrew and I stepped down from being the high school directors this year. Our jobs and the houses are just all we can handle right now. I love helping but with high schoolers now days the lessons are usually about sex, drugs, actions, reactions, world problems and it's all just stuff you have to know your lesson very well to keep up with them and I don't want to do it if we aren't going to do it right. So that's that.

Happy Saturday night! (will show more roof pics AND Robert's house pics soon!)