Friday, April 5, 2013

Foodie Friday

Some have asked about my menus that I do each month. I get things like "How do you have time?" and "Why do you bother?"  Well, the first thing is I DON'T have time to wonder what's for dinner so I do this. I actually started doing monthly menus when Robert was in High School and we had a million places to be every evening. My guys both cook so whoever got home first started supper, with a menu, it's pretty easy because if any meat needs laid out, I did it that morning. This also saves tons on groceries. I make my menu out on the last Saturday of the previous month. The first week includes anything we were supposed to have in the previous month and didn't and if I noticed something on sale at the store that week. Example: last month our Sunday out was Joes, we all brought home half of our meals and decided just to have them for dinner--I didn't make the pizza that was on the menu for that night but I already have all the stuff to make it so we fit it in to this month. I make a shopping list with everything for the whole month on it. I make a space (I make the list on my phone) between what I had to have for the first week and what I need for the rest of the month. That way, if anything I need for the rest of the month is on sale, I go ahead and buy it, if not, I wait until the week I have to have it, or it goes on sale. It is funny how often I get the stuff on sale.  I normally don't have the same meal twice in one month but if you look at this, we have hamburgers down twice. They aren't the same hamburgers. The Wednesday night ones are my premade hamburgers I got when we had a cow butchered. The Monday night ones are better. I always do quick stuff on Wednesdays because we have AWANA and need to get back out the door. Anyway, for those of you who wanted to see it.....
(click on it to see a bigger version) 
I also have all my "go-to" recipes printed on card stock in my recipe box, easy for anyone to get to. I am "planning" on sharing some of those this month, we'll see what happens.
Happy Friday!
P.S. I just got asked about the veggies and sides. I don't always put them down and maybe I should have for this post, we have most of our veggies canned and frozen out of the garden so that is where we get to the "whatever we feel like" part. We usually do pasta, rice, potato, corn or peas and then a lower calorie veggie with it.

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