Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I Tried

Last night, I got in a downright panic because I went to post the rest of our trip pictures and realized that they were not in my computer (I also realized how badly my computer needs cleaned out!). It finally dawned on me that last week while I was in Springfield, my memory card filled up and I dumped it into my laptop so I would have more room in my camera. So, still no new pictures from the trip. Life goes on, and I am getting behind just waiting on getting the pictures up. I had already posted how great the trip was...one of these days, I will get some more pictures up, especially of the Steamboat Arabia Museum.

I think this is the first week I have felt absolutely 100% since I was in the hospital. Saturday I did my spring cleaning, I mopped and buffed all the wood floors, that night I was sore, I was even more sore Sunday, that was pretty well telling me it was time to start exercising everyday again. My floors sure are beautiful though.

Robert has 11 days left of school, he is looking for a job, so far no luck. We went and got applications and then he waited for me to get home from Springfield before he turned them back in, we are kinda thinking "You snooze, you loose". Surely something will come along for him. He keeps trying, bless his heart. If the El Camino was finished, he could look in Olney and Effingham. Unfortunately, they put new brake line on and now the Master Cylinder seems to have a problem. That one will be costly. I think they plan to work on that tonight and find the final verdict, if they get that fixed, then we are talking needing a new harness for the back lights, and a windshield, if the master cylinder comes loose, he could be ready to go by the middle of June.

I have three more classes to teach, tonight we do Excel, I love teaching Excel, there are so many bells and whistles that you can do really impressive stuff and not have to put a lot of thought into it. Everyone is always surprised and that's a neat feeling. Next week is "interview night" where Andrew comes and does mock interviews, that is a good night too. I get to do another set of classes in August and since the guidelines have raised, I have a lot of people who had wanted to take the class but were just a little over the income guidelines.

I am also 2/3rds of the way through my first class on networking, I know more about TCP/IP and DNS than I ever thought I would and I am still learning. I have already used some of my new found knowledge in my IT position at work. The classes are really worth it.

My new assistant, Carrie, is great! She has the same "go get it" attitude that I do, it's amazing how much we can get done and she is learning quick. Get this, her last name is Browning, no relation. When we did the interviews I asked her if she was prepared to spend the rest of her working days having people ask if we are relation, she said, "We'll just really throw them off and tell them we are sisters"-Yep, she's a keeper.

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