Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I did it, I did it, I did it!

It is WAY past my bedtime this time but I just had to tell the world what happened today! The new IT job seems to be "JIT" (sorry, that is Walmartspeak for "Just In Time")--lots of problems and today LOTS of solutions. I have everyones problems solved--for the moment anyway.

The big accomplishment though was the brand new laptop that we just purchased a month ago for one of the new girls. We had a program that I put it on, one of the main things she will be working with. It has never worked right since I first downloaded it, or second downloaded it, or third, well, you get the picture. Anyway, last Friday morning, we did a remote with our IT guy from Springfield, he couldn't figure out the problem, so he called the IT guy in California--we let him get on remote and HE couldn't figure out the problem. Today, I called our own guys at MASS, who said "I think you need to call the people from the company" (i.e. the guy from California). Jim, my dear wonderful friend in Springfield (who yes, has probably found my blog by now) told me it was a "Mindy problem" and when I figured it out to let him know.

Today, at 11:45 a.m. I FIXED IT!! REALLY!! TRULY!!! and it didn't even involve throwing the thing......Now I have to go to bed, my arm is so sore from patting myself on the back , I may not be able to work tomorrow. But hey, in the eyes of our new girl, I am her hero, at least for the day.

Yea ME!!

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