Sunday, March 17, 2013

Half way through a crazy two weeks

I feel like I have been on a dead run lately. I used to do this all the time but somehow it was more fun when Robert and his activities were involved....Several of my friends have talked about the all day musical practice yesterday, that's what I'm talkin' about. He is still crazy busy too but it doesn't involve Mom being responsible for getting him here or there, helping with this or that and so on and so forth.

Anyway, last week, I spent time in the Jasper Sr. Center, working on their printer, at Weatherization, getting them new emails and at the Coles county office, networking a printer/copier/scanner. I also took one afternoon off to go to the doctor with my mom, who has a torn meniscus, she got a cortisone shot and hopefully will be doing better soon.

Friday evening, we did our usual Parklanes dinner and then took the girls to the park. I took pictures of the girls but somehow the only decent one I got of Lizzy looks like she is doing her business, I will spare us all--she wasn't but anyway....

Miss Primadonna walked a little and then demanded Dad carry her, she is just way too precious to get her feet dirty....

Bless Robert's heart, we don't really see a whole lot of each other so we have started a new every other week ritual, we go to breakfast. This usually coincides with his Saturdays not to work at NAPA. The reason we go to Parklanes on Friday nights for supper is we get to see him a few minutes. Anyway, he had to be at work at NAPA at 7:30 yesterday and Friday night, he asked if we couldn't do breakfast. Mind you, he got home from work at 2:00 Saturday morning, I said if that was really what he wanted to do, but we would have to go at 6:30. He was up for it.  I needed to get my workout in, so I left at 6:10 and made the mile trek in 19 minutes--woo hoo!

After breakfast, Andrew and I cleaned house, cleaned up and headed to Tuscola and Champaign. I have a conference this week and I had bought some clothes that fit almost a month ago--no, we aren't going there, they still fit, I have been in a rut since the hospital. My problem was they are short sleeved, I was expecting Spring to be here, I think I would look dorky in what I bought so I went shopping for MORE clothes. At least this time I knew what I was going to look for was probably going to be on the clearance rack. Sure enough, I got two new sweaters and a skirt, the skirt is to wear with one of the outfits I bought a few weeks ago, that will make it my Easter outfit. Anyway, one of the other major things I needed was a new purse. We went to Wilson's at Tuscola, no luck so we headed to Champaign. After hitting Bergners, Macy's and Sears, I finally found what I wanted at JCPenney. I am worse about shopping for a purse than most people are a car. But I found a beautiful Liz Claiborne and it is great, perfect to be exact.

So, brings on another week. Today we have church, out to lunch (1 Sunday a month, I get out of cooking!) I need to get on the treadmill, make supper, do some laundry and start packing. Tomorrow I have blood tests and then off to work and then to Weight Watchers,then home to finish getting ready for the trip. Tuesday, Sharon Steele and I are leaving around 10:30 because we need to be in Peoria and ready for a reception by 5 but I am making a trip back to Charleston to see if I can tweak the scan properties on the printer I networked. Our meetings are Wednesday and Thursday with the last one ending at 3:25, I figure we will do good to make it back to Greenup by 8 that night. Friday, I am staying at work, all day, if at all possible, I will have a certain amount of catch-up to do so I figure I will need one day just to get back into the swing. Friday evening, my mom and I are going to see the high school musical, The Music Man.  I still really miss Robert being in the musical and this will probably bring on watching a DVD of one of his musicals. Saturday morning I have my hair cut and colored and I may just come home and go back to bed! It's a nice thought, but it will never happen.

Happy St. Pat's day everyone and Happy Sunday!

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