Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Big 2-0

It is really hard to imagine that 20 years ago today, I became a wife. What a wild ride it has been, but I wouldn't have missed it for the world.

Don't know if I ever shared this, but when I first started working for Walmart, Rita Seimer introduced me to the overnight manager, his name was Drew and the first time I met him, he was wearing a purple shirt with a frog on it, it said "Kiss me, I might be a prince". Rita even commented to me about the shirt after she and I walked away--she had bought it, I said, it was cute. She asked if I meant the shirt or Drew. I just laughed, but the thought honestly did cross my mind.

"Drew" and I were friends from there on out. He was my boss so he was most definitely off limits but we were still friends. We had a mutual friend who knew more from each of us than he would admit for a long time. I used to catch shoplifters, this friend, whose name was Mike, was my mentor. One day, Mike pointblank told me that he had to tell Drew to let me be that day. I had gotten beat up by a shoplifter one time and after that, if Drew was working, the people would end up dumping what they had.....I had no idea that Drew was making them nervous and making them dump it. Anyway, Mike was the catalyst that caused us to finally go out after work one night. A week later, we went on our first official date  (I was officially done with the Effingham store the night we went out after work--so we could FINALLY date) and 6 weeks later, we made the trip to Kentucky to tie the knot.

Why did I put "Drew"---I had called him Drew for 2 years, on our way to meet his folks, 20 minutes outside of town, he tells me his mom hates for people to call him anything but Andrew. I have called him Andrew ever since.

We are at home this evening, we knew when we got married that doing anything big right before Christmas is impossible if you work in retail. We are planning a trip over New Year's to Louisville. I am taking him to the Ali museum and he is taking me on a New Year's eve dinner cruise.....can't wait!

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