Thursday, February 6, 2014

Yeah I know

that I need to post a blog update. I have a lot swirling around in my head right now that I would like to get down in print. However, the old adage, think twice, speak once is coming to light a lot and I have to decide what is really worth saying. I feel I have kinda been attacked on fb lately because what I consider a positive outlook on life, the life God has given me, and intends for me to live, has been taken for bragging. I am not bragging, and lots of things go wrong in our lives too, but why dwell on that when we have been handed so much good. This may be all I say about that or I may expand this into a post. As I said, still thinking. Not posting this little tidbit to fb so my diehard readers (all like 3 of you) will see this. 

On the healthfront, slowly but surely, I am thinking I will try to do a light workout tonight, haven't done anything for exactly 2 weeks and as much as I never thought I would say it, I miss it.

On the workfront, everything is starting to fall into place with our propane issues so that may be a glance in the rearview before too long.

Happy Thursday!

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