Meanwhile, in my little facebook world, I was being faced with some things that really had me questioning a lot of things. I was seeing a lot of meanness, if that's a word, if it's not, I'm sure you can figure it out. I am a Christian, I am hoping and praying that I don't have to TELL you that for you to KNOW it, but I am a Christian. I have seen a lot of other friends of mine, who I consider Christians bashing not only other people but other Christians this week. I find it very sad and it has caused "but the greatest of these is love" to swirl in my mind over and over and over and over. I have been reading through Be Amazed, a study of the Minor Prophets and point was made that I also can't get out of my head. If you are driving down the highway, let's say, to paint the picture, you are in St. Louis, driving down the one of the highways that have 4 or 5 lanes, you are getting ready to get off at an exit and this car swoops in from the left and cuts you off, causing you to miss your exit. Was it wrong? Yes, Did it hurt you that someone was mean to you? Yes. Now, let's say you are a parent, you just found out your 9-year-old has lied to you. Was it wrong? Yes, Did it hurt you that he lied to you? Yes. Did it mean more to you than the driver who cut you off? Yes. So....we all know sin is sin but if a Christian sins, do you think it hurts God more? Did you ever see Jesus be mean to unsaved people? No, lots of time he dined with them, creating all kinds of havoc from people who were trying to look good, but Jesus knew their hearts.
But the greatest of these is love.
I do not openly tell my stance on fb of where I stand on a lot of big issues. I am a Christian so I am sure most assume they know where I stand and there is a good possibility they are correct. However, I would rather talk about things like this on a one-on-one basis. I have tried hard over the years to judge less and love more. If I don't just put a blanket statement over something, it gives me a chance for one-on-one dialog, if I make a statement to someone who truly doesn't understand where I am coming from, all I have done is shut the door on me ever being able to effectively help someone through something, should they ask. Let's face it, I am a sinner. I have one of those sins I carry around with me. Some people don't like that I think being fat is a sin. For me, being fat is a sin. FOR ME. When God says he has made my body a temple and that is where he lives, I should be taking better care of it and it is very clear to see that at least several times a week, I place my love of food over my love of God....once again, that's me. I truly do not believe that of you, I believe it of me. This is something I will keep working out with God because truly, there are times in the week that I am crazy stressed and head for the kitchen to find comfort, when I should head to God. Anyway....that's getting repetitive.
I also don't drink. I don't judge people who drink, I don't get in on the bandwagon of whether or not wine in the Bible is wine of nowadays or grape juice. I know for me, when I was younger I did drink. I know it didn't magically make me drunk after the 5th sip, I know it started with the first one for me. I know I'm supposed to be sober minded and I know alcohol and I can't do that. My friends, especially my friends at work, who are the ones who have occasion to be around me where there are events that involve drinking can attest to the fact that it is about me, not them. They always know they have a driver and that I can sweet talk a waiter into a glass of tea, and that they have two extra free drinks because I give away my tickets. I know there are probably some Christians out there that think I am wrong in not taking a stand in this, but it simply isn't my place.
But the greatest of these is love.
So, I just decided to try an experiment this morning.....I am one of those people who knows the Bible says this or that and can only remember the reference about half the time. I trust this website called I went there this morning and typed in Love One Another, I used NIV just because it is in an easier to read format. Here is what I came up with...
So then, just for fun, I erased the word love and typed in judge, so it read judge one another:
Kinda made it wide open that the judgment thing is God's job. I think our job is to love one another....
but the greatest of these is love.
I have watched my friends bash each other over things for quite a while now. The first time it started bothering me was a few weeks ago. I was watching the latest episode of NCIS and the ending song just really struck me. I looked up the words, and the song and it is now on my playlist. Ironically, I have been thinking about this post all week and last night, at the very close of the Olympics, there was that song again.
So, I will share.
So that's it, I'm off my soapbox, as Robert asked me last night, as we were discussing this on our way to dinner. Am I a little nervous posting this? Yes, Do I mean it to be judging anyone, nope. I mean it as how I feel right now. Is you telling me I'm wrong going to change my mind? Probably not. I just hope that it will wake some people up that maybe by being so outspoken, they are shutting doors, where our jobs are really to be to help open doors. Think Twice, Speak Once.
We are love....
but the greatest of these is love.
Valentine's Day is next Friday, it seems like we go through the whole Christmas season trying to be nicer, maybe we should try February too, and March, and April.....
Happy Saturday everyone.
Loved this post!
Loved this post!
Love your post, it is one I can relate to. Funny I've been listening to this song on XM radio recently and it has become one of my favorites!
I feel in love with the song the first time I heard it, yep, there is just something about it. And thanks Niss ;-)
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