Sunday, February 23, 2014


So, I know I've been quiet lately, it's not that anything about my life has felt quiet. In fact, yesterday, I apparently had a "decompression"; and it was a good thing.

On the work front, the end is in sight for all the extra work of the propane. I was hoping to have everything ready for the extra payments to be paid this week but I have several vendors who have not gotten their registers back to me so I am thinking things should be final the first week in March. We sent out letters to all the clients this week letting them know that they were receiving the extra money. This created lots of extra phone calls, many to say thank you, that was nice. I am worried about those same people though next month. I believe most of them were trying to find ways to conserve. Running space heaters is expensive. I am afraid the same people are going to have crazy electric bills this month, sadly, we have done everything we can do.

On the IT front, I did get one new computer installed this last week and went and got another one on Friday that I am afraid is going to have to be replaced. We are starting work on another project at work. One of those things that will be nice when it's done, but kinda scary when people are counting on you to know how to do things. A lot of times I'm on the "learn as you go" plan, but I don't make any bones about it and don't try to act like I know what I know I don't, so I'm sure it will be okay. I still get unnerved about the email. I will go to check my email here at home and will have made a typo putting in the address and my page comes up not still makes my heart skip a beat. So far, things haven't been too bad with it though, we will just keep praying it through.

 On the health front, I believe I am truly back to 100%, I tried to run a week ago tomorrow with not so good results, I'm going to do it again in the morning and really expect things to be fine. I have gained about 6 more lbs because of the 3 weeks of prednisone (it was supposed to be 4, I slashed a couple days off each dose though and did fine). So, tomorrow morning, back to the treadmill, tomorrow night, back to weight watchers. I have also come to the conclusion the hair needs to go. I have an appointment in March for a cut and color but I think I am going to see if there is any way Jeanne can get me in tomorrow evening after weight watchers. I am starting to look "frumpy".

So, I am back to having a clean house and my organized life, yea me! I can't STAND my house being messed up but I tried to nurse myself back to health without a hospital stay and I did it, so now I know I MUST make myself just rest when the UC thing happens. I joined a UC support group on facebook, they ALL said the same thing. Unfortunately, I "unjoined" it, most of the UCers on there are old timers, so many of them say "Medicine worked for the first 10 years, then it quit, now I have a bag". I can't handle that prospect yet and I think attitude and faith always play a huge part in healing. I am afraid if I start having the attitude that this is going to happen, I may let something happen that had I had the attitude that I won't let it happen and I will trust God to help me with that, maybe I can be the exception, not the rule. Anyway, I truly did walk away. I feel a little guilty because there were a lot of people who are just being diagnosed, wanting to know, "is it normal that my hair is falling out?" "Do you get the feeling you are bleeding to death?" "What stops the pain?". I have answers for those, but I would sit and cry reading some of the stories and it just put me in a bad place. You gotta do what you gotta do. If you know of anyone who has been recently diagnosed with UC, I am happy to share with them, I have been there since 2011, it took until January 2013 for me to go even a week without bleeding and worrying about having an accident, but I did get my life back. I would love to talk to them, but I would also love for them to see Dr. Peterson.

Anyway, enough about that. I have a picture of progress on Robert's house!

His bedroom and the guest room are about 100% subfloored with all new floor joists under them!  He also has the wood stove installed and working properly. They are getting ready to move the wall between the two rooms. The original wall was not centered on a joist, they are making the guest room 8 inches bigger north to south. They will eventually knock out the wall where the pantry/ walk thru closet down making Robert's room (Grandma's bedroom) bigger. They are making the wall between the living room and both bedrooms expand out into the living room, giving both rooms a space for closets (there was no closet in the north room). Lots of little things we are taking for granted, like the fact they fixed the toilet so he has a working bathroom! Things are coming along, I still think it will be August before it's finished but I can actually see him moving in late spring, early summer and just continue to work while living there.

And then, the latest of what is going on, it's coming up Grand Prix time, for the second year in a row, guess what is set up in my living room/ dining room?

Yep, it's the track, I guess I'm  happy it will fit in my living room, NOT!!  Oh well, the race is March 15th. Andrew is putting all new electronics on it, the's ALL computerized, which means I'm going to have to learn new software sometime in the next couple of weeks.

So, I guess I am ready to face yet another starting over point, that's going to be in the morning. As for my "decompression" yesterday. I have had so much on my mind for so long that I have had to admit lately that I have even been a distracted driver. I didn't put it on here at the time, but back in November, I wrecked a company car. I was in Paris, totally spacing the fact that I was on a one way street and turned left from the right lane. I hit the car beside me. I obviously got the ticket and doing some soul searching, realized I had a thousand things on my mind. Yesterday I went to Tuscola, all by myself. On the way up, I had to FORCE myself to stop thinking about work, my friends, Robert, and just try to relax. I had my Sirius XM the message on and decided to really think about each song coming on. Wow, of course, God sent "Already There" by Casting Crowns and Mercy Me's "Homesick" so I was crying on my way up. At the same time, I felt such a great sense of Peace. I could just see God saying "FINALLY!!!, I've been trying to tell you to "be still" and you just couldn't seem to do it.  I kept thinking about my dad. When I was little, he would be lying on the couch just trying to relax and I would be running around a million miles a minute. He would say, "Mindy, just relax!!" my reply: "Dad, I AM relaxing!!". I don't seem to do the slowing down thing well, even when I am "relaxing" I don't turn my mind off. A couple of weeks ago, I had a real battle with Him. He would tell me to stop worrying about things, and my immediate reply was "YOU made me this way, MAKE me stop worrying". We went round and round about that, but yesterday it all came to a head. That trip to Tuscola was probably the best thing for my well being that I had done in a while.

So, tomorrow morning starts yet another new day, a new week and a new chance to have an awesome week. I do have awesome weeks. Even when things are crazy I have this great life and I don't even know how to begin to thank the Lord for it.

I even have the kitchen cleaned up BEFORE evening church! Haha

Happy Sunday all, and may you have a great week!!


Preemie mom said...

Well, now, we all need a race track in our family room. Glad you are feeling better. Have a great day. C

Browningblog said...

You can HAVE a race track in your family room!! Glad someone thinks it is a good thing! I don't. Funniest thing was, last year, our neighbors, who went to a different church found out too late that it was set up. Their boys, who were having a race at their own church would have so came over to "test it out".