Saturday, August 23, 2008

Catch the Spirit...Live the Dream

"Who says you can't go home, there's only one place they call me one of their own"

I know there are people out there that wonder when I will get over it. I told my mom last night, I wonder myself when I will get over it. I think the answer is probably not any time soon. I am so very, very, very thankful to God for letting me be home in Jasper county. I was most definately one of those people who couldn't wait to leave. When I did, and we moved to Pennsylvania, all I wanted to do was be home.

I didn't realize how much home meant to me until I didn't have it. I probably went from one extreme to the other because when we lived in Pennsylvania, we lived in a town that didn't like outsiders, and to top it off they didn't like Wal-mart. They didn't want Wal-mart in their town and that was the only reason I was there. I had one lady at a fabric store refuse to check me out because I had moved there because my husband was in management for Wal-mart (then we found out, as we were leaving that Andrew's great, great, great whatever grandpa was one of the founders of that very town). I used to joke around that our PA license plates said "You've got a friend in Pennsylvania". That was exactly how many friends I had in PA, One (who happens to work for Wal-mart). I have had friends in some of the other places we lived, Indiana, northern Illinois, but you just don't have friends like those ones who share your history. Good or bad, they really KNOW you. Not just who you are at that moment, but truly what you are all about.

I was standing in a small group of friends last night, one of whom I had known since we were probably in diapers, the others for over 2/3rds of my life. There is a easy feeling there, like you don't have to worry about what you are going to say that might stab on someone's past. It's just knowing each other. At the end of the Stephen King movie "Stand By Me" there is a quote that is something like I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. Does anyone?

I also went to Wal-mart last night, to run Adam out to see about something and basically just to get him out of the waiting room for a few minutes. I ran into more friends I had since I was born. It felt so natural to tell them what was going on and to please pray for Adam and his family. I know the Lord never leaves us alone, but it is such a blessing when he sends so many people to let you know you are never alone.

I was just out for my morning walk. It seems like I never have a morning I don't have someone go by and honk and wave, or are out walking themselves, or are headed to work as I walk by their house. I just get overwhelmed at the fact that here are my roots. I bought a sign last night at media night. One side of it says Catch the Spirit, Live the Dream. I have thought I should be the poster child for Newton's motto ever since the first time I saw it.
And for now, I will continue to at least a few times every day, thank the Lord that he brought me home. My parents gave me roots and wings, what a wonderful gift. I used my wings to fly away, but when it all came down to it, it's like the Bon Jovi song I quoted earlier says:

"I've been all around the world and as a matter of fact, there's only one place left I wanna go".
(is it a shock to anyone that is the last song on my "Walking" Playlist?)
One more thing, if you aren't happy where you are, start praying, start asking God to take care of it. It's a whole other story, but I feel like I am honestly living the dream and it is ALL answered prayer.

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