Saturday, May 3, 2014

I Can

I have had some revelations this week. Mainly from the book I mentioned I was reading; "Made to Crave". Chapters 18 and 19 may just have to be earmarked as life changing for me. Seriously, I wish I could just quote every single word in 19, but I can't. I had mentioned in an earlier post that I might just read this book over and over; I seriously might.  Because of some things mentioned I decided to start a new spiritual journey with God this week. One into discipline and self-discipline and learning that God wants better for me than what I am giving myself. God doesn't want me to get into stuff in the fridge and cabinet just because I am home alone and can. He wants me to have more power over food than that, He has given me the victory over it and I am LETTING Satan tell me otherwise, maybe I should rephrase that, I WAS letting Satan tell me otherwise. I walked 3.1 mile Tuesday morning, that's a 5K for those who don't know. I haven't been out on the road since because the cold has kept me in but I have done other exercises and the goal for this coming week is to get my workout area cleaned up a little better downstairs so I can start a serious weight lifting program. I am down three pounds this week and seriously, it is because God has given me a new mindset. I CAN. I CAN workout for an hour at a time, I CAN eat veggies of an evening instead of junk. I CAN make good decisions about my health. I guess some of the things that woke me up this week is realizing that I make decisions everyday to try to improve other's lives and yet come home and stick a spoon in the peanut butter jar. This week I grabbed carrots instead, and then I used PB2 (it's powdered peanut butter) and made a 1 point frozen banana with my PB2 peanut butter in it. I cooked real food for me AND the guys and when they came home for dinner at 9 pm, I ate my banana. I won. Every night this week, I Won. We went to Ruby Tuesday's last night. I planned, I had seafood and spaghetti squash and the good things on the salad bar. I won. Since Monday, I have won with 3 pounds down showing on the scales today.

Tomorrow morning, it should be warm enough to log another 3 miles. I am heading to Springfield to a conference tomorrow afternoon. That will mean lots of high calorie, indulgent meals set before me. I will almost guarantee that there will be at least one meal with a big fat piece of cheesecake sitting in front of me, one with some form of chocolate cake (usually with multiple layers of different chocolate) and at some point in time, there will probably be carrot cake--really good, really thick carrot cake. I am already planning on only taking a bite or two if we have chocolate cake, eating only half of the cheesecake and if there is carrot cake, it is SO mine, start to finish. So, I have decided that I will be very careful about the breakfasts, stay away from the bread basket and watch how much of the other foods I eat. It's not a sacrifice, it's a plan and I am excited to see how it serves me. I normally tell myself that I'm just not going to eat those things and then feel defeated when I do. Not this time! I am planning on amping up my workouts up there too. The Hilton has a workout room, pretty decent too, I will be there. I feel so empowered making these decisions.

I have had a very productive week. The Weatherization building is completely Windows7 now. Next project is our own office. Seriously, I think there are only 4 computers that need switched out, there are several that need replaced because of age. My goal is to have it finished, or at least plans in place for every XP computer by the end of the month.

LIHEAP is winding down, still lots of people getting shut off. We were giving a $7,500 donation from AARP this week. I wrote a program to help people 50+ (stipulation of donation) with disconnection fees in June. Really excited because it is the first time since I have been coordinator that we have gotten anything like this and it seems like AARP likes what I planned.

We did our PIPP recertification training this week. Getting that started is always rough because it is something we do once a year, so the first few each person takes are strenuous.  We actually start doing apps next week.

This conference that I am going to is the one I talk about every year with the Family of Distinction Awards. That is tomorrow night. It is truly my favorite night of the year. I wish we could invite all those people who says the war on poverty isn't going anywhere. These people ARE going places. Sometimes I think people don't want to believe there are any problems other than people are lazy. People AREN'T lazy, they are not educated on how to get out of where they have been all their lives.  They have been treated badly, and truly believe that because others have told them they have nothing to offer the world, that they can't move from where they are. When we show them that yes, it takes work, but they can do it, the results are nothing short of miraculous. We see it CONSTANTLY. I wish you could too.

I know I have mentioned in previous posts that Mark Shriver is one of the speakers. I am reading his book about his dad right now. I cannot wait to hear him speak. He is basically our pep talker, the one who will remind us that what we are doing is worth doing and eventhough we are facing lots of battles in congress, the White House, and the press, we need to keep changing the world.

Then there is Donna Beagle, who I have heard before. She always reopens my eyes to things I am taking for granted. I am expecting a great conference and have every intention of coming back renewed and ready for battle.

Robert's house has had a big week too. They have a new wall in place between the two bedrooms. The original wall wasn't actually on a beam, so they moved it 8 inches, making the guest room 8 inches bigger. Here is a picture:

I didn't take pictures of the outside before they started, really wish I would have but here are some now. Yes, a ways to go but it will get there.

As you can see, on this side, they have most of the outside wall redone, When they get finished, this side facing the road is supposed to have a front door and hopefully someday a porch. Long way to go but they have come a long way.

Robert already has tenants. They were born in either January or February. Andrew and Robert are never short on entertainment when they are at the farm.

My favorite place on Robert's farm though is a ways from the house. He has started keeping it mowed since he has the mower. I went out Wednesday evening and took pictures. You can't see the big pond well but it's there. I have always loved this place, it is so tranquil. I love that he loves it. Somehow my uncle knew he would.

So today, I am planning on getting the house straightened, laundry done, heading to work for a few minutes just to clean up and get stuff to take to Springfield, heading to Tuscola (I have too many coupons expiring not to go!) and then making it to Olney to hear my dear friend Patty speak at their relay for life event. Robert has talked me into going to Hogs and Dogs and bringing home ribs for supper. Sometime in there I need to pack......Life's an Adventure!

Happy Saturday!

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