Thursday, August 25, 2011

Happy Um...Birthday

Yesterday, the kid turned 19. It was an eventful day at our house and we ended up celebrating his birthday at 11:30 last night, approximately 12 hours after the exact anniversary of his birth.

Of course, he started to school Monday and with mine and Andrew's work schedules, Robert realized on Sunday that we would not be in the same house, at the same time before 10 p.m. before Thursday, aka, today.

He knew what he was getting for his birthday and with his college classes starting the next day, he asked if he couldn't possibly open his present on Sunday. So, this is usually reserved for that time in life when your kid is out of the nest, but we celebrated PART of his birthday Sunday evening. He got Dell's equivalent to an Ipad and has been using it daily to take notes at school, so I am glad we gave it to him. It should ensure his test grade from this coming Sunday night being an A.

The second part of his birthday was celebrated with an Ice Cream Cake when he came home from work last night. Andrew managed to get home a few minutes early, so I honestly walked in the door with the ice cream about 5 minutes before Robert had to leave for work. I hadn't ate supper and we had groceries to carry in, so we decided to wait until later.

I went to the doctor yesterday and my prayer for prednisone was answered. Things aren't perfect yet but I already am feeling a difference.

Oh, and yes, I celebrated my 44th last week...highlights was going out for dinner on Sunday, Robert getting me a B&N card for my nook and Andrew paying for my Pampered Chef order. All in all a pretty good time for 44.

Life is crazy, work is crazy, but it's still a good ride.

Happy Thursday!

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